By Al Mattei
Founder, TopOfTheCircle.com

By now, you have read a lot of ideas as to how to improve your field hockey team. Depending on your area of the country, you may have an easier or harder time adopting these principles than others.

These are principles, however, which can be applied with some effort. The effort can be reasonably small, or may require years or decades in order to make the required change.

It is hard to change any culture, much less a sporting culture. The perfect program -- a good field, an understanding athletic director, motivated players exposed to the game since elementary school, and a fan base -- may never come to your town.

However, if you and your team commit to these principles, you will have a better thance than most of becoming a good program.

If your team is willing to adhere to this plan, write us at topofthecircle@gmail.com and let us know how well you are doing, and which parts of the plan are helping you the most.

Several teams have already made committments to this plan. And the field hockey community deserves nothing less.